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Know an eggcellent teacher?

Urban Egg wants to recognize and honor teachers who exemplify excellence in teaching and to encourage others to understand the importance of the profession in our communities. One teacher a month from September through May will be chosen to receive the award, including a $500 award for classroom supplies and a $100 gift card good for use at any Urban Egg location. Nominees must be currently teaching in an accredited public or private school (K-12). Nominations will be accepted all year. Applications received in the summer months will be considered the following semester.


Describe specific examples of how this teacher cares.

Describe how this teacher provides a positive, stimulating classroom.

Explain how this teacher makes a connection with his/her students.

Tell what this teacher does that is above and beyond normal duties.

Be specific on how the teacher helps develop successful members of the community.

Please note we partner with KOAA News 5 & Salsa Brava to recognize teachers in Southern Colorado.